Why Drawing Quicker Gets You Momentum To Overcome Resistance

If you were to paint a supertanker by hand, you’d stop before you even started. In fact you’d stop way before then, after you first contemplated it because the mere thought of it would stop you in your tracks.

Now while it’s unlikely that you’re going to be painting a supertanker any time soon, or even a mid-sized freighter, you’ve probably attempted to draw something complicated only to never really get started due to the sheer size of the task.

Attempting to paint a supertanker from the get-go, and failing to do so, can also prevent us from painting a whole fleet of vessels way smaller whether they’re ferries, yachts, or just a plain old rowing boat.

But what if we started off with something far smaller and simpler?

What if you could get drawing straightaway, wouldn’t that make a difference? So many potential images are left on the drawing slipway.

So instead of a huge supertanker, how about the simplest boat possible? And of course, substitute whatever it is you’re trying to draw - but try to doodle the simplest possible form of it.

A cartoon is about an image and and an idea, so you often need the simplest possible form of the idea to get the point across. Also, the sooner you get the simplest possible form of the idea down on paper or onto your drawing tablet, you’ll be a bit happier because you’ve actually drawn something.

Over To You

What is a cartoon that you’ve been putting off starting?

What is the absolute simplest version of it you could draw? In fact, don’t think draw….think doodle instead. So pick up a pen and doodle something right now.