On Briefcases and the Battle of Hastings

If Gerald can’t work out the combination lock then he’ll probably just eat his way through the case…

If Gerald can’t work out the combination lock then he’ll probably just eat his way through the case…

Another delve into the weird and wonderful world of business stock images.

Time to take a look at the business man or woman’s weapon of choice - the briefcase.

‘Man with briefcase/clutching briefcase’ is one of those sub-genres of odd business stock images. Sometimes they’re hanging onto the case for dear life…

Hold on there!

Hold on there!

Here’s a man clutching a briefcase. Is he using it to ward off an assailant’s weapon?

Fortunately Harold has remembered to bring along his battle-plan carried as ever in his trusty briefcase.

Fortunately Harold has remembered to bring along his battle-plan carried as ever in his trusty briefcase.

Perhaps if King Harold had had a briefcase at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, then he wouldn’t have been struck by an arrow and the Anglo-Saxons might have repelled the Norman invasion.

It could have turned out very differently for William and Normans…he might have been forced to re-train as a sales rep instead of completing the invasion of Britain.

It could have turned out very differently for William and Normans…he might have been forced to re-train as a sales rep instead of completing the invasion of Britain.

Are you still clutching onto using dodgy stock images?


For want of a better image your entire article could be rescued.

Not that there:s anything wrong with your article, post, or writing in general - it’s just that people won’t bother reading it if you are using tired old stock images.

Even a business person holding a briefcase can be livened up with that personal touch…

…this may be the first time that a Dalmatian has appeared in a ‘business stock image’…

…this may be the first time that a Dalmatian has appeared in a ‘business stock image’…

Get On The Case

…and use some images that really go with your writing and help to raise your reader’s curiosity about what you have to say.

I’ll keep it brief

I draw lots of cartoons - some silly and others not. I can draw unique images for you too. These pictures can really capture what you have to say, as well as capturing your reader’s attention. It also makes your site or post a lot more fun to look at!

I can liven things up a bit.

Let’s be a bit more creative...

From stodgy to stock to imaginative images - I can do the same for you. Drop me a mail.