Content Toons

I get it…you’ve seen those lame stock images with the unnervingly bleached teeth, those business suits that look as though they have just come out of a shop and you’ve even tried to pretzel yourself into their odd poses but you just can’t do it.

The same old scenes roll around again and again…such as folks high-five-ing each other…

In fact this group of happy meeting attendees are so busy high-fiving each other that they fail to notice Gerald the Goat sneaking in to raid the fruit bowl.

Little do they know that he’ll end up eating their stock images as well…because seriously, they’re not ideal, are they?

Have you ever felt the frustration of being unable to find outstanding images for…

  • Newsletters

  • Brochures

  • Articles

  • Magazines

  • Blog posts

  • Sales pages

…and ended up despondent, annoyed and knowing that once again you have to compromise with clip art

Anyone can find images from the net, but cartoons created exclusively for you really help to your message to catch the eye and stand out.

Whether you’re in marketing, sales, or coaching you’re desparate to cut down the time it takes looking for images, so you can be more productive in your business.

What if you could leave it all up to me?

Imagine how much time, energy, frustration and money you could save.

And also imagine finally having bespoke original cartoons and illustrations created just for you.


Content Toons

  • Daily, weekly or monthly content created for you which means that you only have to post it.

  • Personalised images to make you stand out so that your message is more likely to get across

  • The complete opposite from standard stock images that everyone else is using

What is the style of illustration?

  • Simple

  • Complex

  • Strip Cartoon


A simple single panel monochrome cartoon similar to the one above.

A square format is used for easier viewing on mobile devices.


A more complex full-colour cartoon similar to the one above.

A square format is used for easier viewing on mobile devices.

Cartoon Strip

A four-panel cartoon strip, similar to the above example.

A square format is used for easier viewing on mobile devices.

What are the packages?

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly


A simple image that can be posted everyday of the year.

The images are supplied in blocks of thirty, so that you always have plenty of content ahead of time.

$18,250 ($50 per image)


An image for every week of the year.

The images are supplied in blocks of five, so you always have plenty of content ahead of time.

Simple: $2600 per year.

Complex: $5200 per year.

Cartoon Strip: $10,400 per year.


An image for every month of the year.

The images are supplied in blocks of four, so you always have plenty of content ahead of time.

Simple: $600 per year.

Complex: $1200 per year.

Cartoon strip: $2400 per year.

You’re probably wondering by now who is behind Cartoon Club….time to…

Meet Rob the Cartoonist…

This is me at the Cartoon Museum in London.

I’ve been drawing cartoons my entire life. I draw a lot, so it’s nice to share the time I spend drawing with other people. I love to help other people with their own cartoons, I also learn a lot myself in the process.

I work as a freelance cartoonist and illustrator, and run courses helping people with their cartooning.

Here’s what folks had to say…

Rob created several cartoons for a workshop I ran for the senior management team of a global business. His cartoons brought my points to life, made the participants laugh, and helped them remember what they’d learned. I used the cartoons on screen and in my hand-outs afterwards, and I was thrilled with how Rob listened to my brief, interpreted the ideas, and put together some attention-grabbing, memorable cartoons. Highly recommended!

Jamie Veitch - Jamie Veitch Consulting

A few questions you might have…

Can I have you on retainer?


If I need something different in a hurry can you do it?


Can I ask you a question at any time?






Fill out the form below and let me know how I can help you.

Imagine the huge ‘wow! effect’ cartoons could add to your business.